God of war 3 blades of exile
God of war 3 blades of exile

god of war 3 blades of exile

He does so and becomes the new god of war. After being tricked by Ares, the god of war, into murdering his own family, Kratos sets out to kill him in revenge. You'll get to know Spartan Kratos, a warrior who could rip apart anyone in 300 barehanded. If you haven't yet played through the first two titles, they've been remastered and released for Playstation 3 and you owe it to yourself to pick them up. That said, without any background it is difficult to fully appreciate Kratos' (and, as his handler, your own) purpose. Of course the experience is different when you have your hands on it, but watching gameplay videos can really spoil things for a game as scripted as ours." I don't want the game to come out and have everybody feel like they have played it by reading previews and watching videos. Game director Stig Asmussen has this to say: "We are keeping things quiet for a reason.

god of war 3 blades of exile

The stories are almost as captivating as the gameplay in this series, and despite the temptation to learn as much as possible, the best possible experience one can have with this game is a completely pure, uninformed one. Sony is keeping mum about the plot of the game, and with good reason. Armed with our tie-in "Kratos Fury" Slurpees, we are ready. It's two years later now and the release date is right around the corner. The power of the God of War III trailer we witnessed counteracted the pain of all these epic fails. During E3 2008, we learned about Wii Music, a PSP bundle featuring National Treasure, and a possible Deal or No Deal Xbox Live game that we are still waiting on.

God of war 3 blades of exile